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Specification and Information centre

A healthcare facility is a working environment with a difference. Yet choosing the most suitable products to achieve a transformation that benefits both patients and health professionals need not be a difficult process. With the right guidance, you can achieve a safer, cleaner healthcare environment in which professionals can focus on the needs of patients and nobody is better placed than we are to help you meet those challenges.
Paint Specification
Working with construction teams we have developed a painting specification that is appropriate and fit for purpose for this environment, and good specifications help you deliver quality, defect free decorating.
Datasheets & Certificates
Easily and quickly find product data sheets, safety data sheets and VOC information for all paint coatings quoted in the Paint Specification.
Colour cards & Literature
Easily and quickly download sector specific colour cards and literature.
Operations Manual Inserts
Helping after-care teams and clients keep their new building looking better for longer
Download our technical notes for inclusion in the Operations Manual, from technical information to useful hints and tips that help after-care and clients keep their new building look better for longer
Why Dulux Trade Diamond
Helping you to better understand durability
Lean more about durability and why choosing the right product is important. Paint coatings vary in their durability, and durability affects product performance. Durable paints can be repeatedly cleaned which means they look better for longer, resulting in extended maintenance cycles, and a positive impact on convenience to the user, long term cost and the environment.

Evidence-based Healthcare Colour Palettes
Choosing a colour scheme is often one of the last things to be considered in the build of a new hospital. Yet research shows that colour and design can have a huge impact on the wellbeing of patients and staff alike. Dulux Trade’s new Healthcare Colour Palette, based on research evidence, offers ready-made solutions, to ensure that the end result will deliver great healthcare outcomes.

Product Certification for all materials listed in the Dulux Technical Specification including EPD, SKA, Breeam, Leed and Well can be found here.

Colour in construction
Colour creates inspirational places and spaces for people. Learn about light reflectance values, contrast requirement associated with the Equality act, to colouring your BIM models here.

Contact us
We are here to help so if you require any assistance please click here to get in touch.