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Cuprinol 5 Star Complete Wood Treatment (BP)
Kills woodworm
Prevents re-infestation & rot
Long lasting
Low odour formulation
Coverage Up to 5m2 per litre (typically 2-3 uniform coats)
Drying Time 1-3 days
Recoatable Allow the previous coat to soak in before applying the next .
Composition Water-based
Kills woodworm
Long lasting
Low odour formulation
Prevents re-infestation
Prevents rot and decay
Product Description
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Technical & Safety Documentation
Tips & Advice
1. Preparing the SurfacesWood that has been woodstained, painted, or varnished should be stripped back to bare wood and treated as bare wood. Remove excessive dirt and soiling, large areas of algae, lichen or fungi using an appropriate fungicidal wash or cleaner designed for the job. Remove insulation and protect electrical sockets, fuse boxes, etc. Do not use on antique furniture or other water sensitive items. If Cuprinol 5 Star Complete Wood Treatment (BP) is used on wood outdoors it must be over coated with a woodstain or paint.
2. CleaningAfter use remove as much product as possible from equipment before cleaning with water
3. StoringDo not use or store in extremes of temperature
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This is an estimated based on 2 coats. Actual coverage will depend on the conditions of the surface. If the colour change is strong, more coats may be required.
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Cuprinol 5 Star Complete Wood Treatment (BP)
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