Your guide to Google AdWords

Your guide to Google AdWords


Google processes 40,000 search queries every second and AdWords provides you with the opportunity to get your services featured in the most prominent of positions within these search results. The pay-per-click advertising service works by linking your advert to keywords and when a user's search term matches your keyword, your ad will feature in their search results.

This method of advertising can be highly successful within the competitive decorating market with Google AdWords offering the following key benefits.



Cost effective


As the term pay-per-click advertising suggests, you only pay when someone visits your website, preventing you from incurring unnecessary high costs. You can also easily amend your spend on Google AdWords at any time by setting a daily budget. This allows you to maximise on any opportunities to increase your return on investment or stop wasting money on any keywords proven to be ineffective.



Targeted and relevant


AdWords allows you to target a highly tailored audience, using criteria such as location. This ensures your ad is only displayed in relevant searches targeting homeowners within your local area. This prevents you from incurring irrelevant costs. Plus, the nature of Google AdWords means you're only targeting your audience at the most relevant time, right as they're searching for a service. Highly increasing your likelihood of generating leads.



Highly measurable


Google AdWords provides a number of tools and extensive reports to measure and continually improve on your performance. This analysis allows you to easily identify what is and isn't working, and provides advice on how to react accordingly, increasing your return on investment.

If you're new to Google AdWords and you're interested in learning more about setting up and utilising an account, email us at

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