Your chance to let us know how we're doing

Your chance to let us know how we're doing


Your feedback is always important to us and, over the next few weeks, you'll get two opportunities to share how you're currently feeling about the Dulux Select Decorator Scheme.



'Check-in survey'


Before the first Panel Meeting of 2019 takes place on 25th March, we'll be sending out a 'check-in' survey, for you to share your current feelings about the scheme. As with our previous survey, responses will be completely anonymous and as a 'thank you' for completing the survey in full, you'll be entered into a draw to win £150 of DDC Vouchers.

Panel Meeting


The first Panel Meeting of 2019 takes place in Slough on 25th March. In the weeks before the meeting your local Panel Member will be in touch, and you'll have the opportunity to submit your feedback to them.

At the March Panel Meeting we will:


  • Review what we have delivered since the last Panel Meeting in November 2018 and how you, our members, feel about the progress we are making towards our commitments to you
  • Further plan how we deliver against the six key areas of the member journey: Scheme Awareness Professional, Scheme Awareness Consumer, Onboarding and Assessment, Communication, Supporting my Business, and Rewards & Retention
  • Complete a focused review of the assessment process end to end and agree actions on how we can improve the process.
  • Agree the categories and judging process for the new look DSD awards in November


Keep an eye out for both the survey and requests from your local Panel Member for feedback, and if you want change get involved!

Panel Member Des Cass has been close to the action plan as we work on our commitments to you. Here he gives his thoughts on what he's seen so far...



London-based Des Cass is a DSD Panel Member and has been a Select Decorator for more than 20 years. We caught up with Des for an update on the work he and the Panel have been undertaking, and to find out more about him and his business...

D. Cass & Son Master Decorators has been a family-run business for more than 65 years. Based in North London, Des joined Dulux Select Decorators back in 1998, and became a Panel Member when he felt the Scheme needed an injection of fresh ideas from an experienced decorator.

"I joined Dulux Select on the 4 December 1998 because I felt that quality decorators were not truly represented," says Des. "Living and working in London I witnessed some dreadful tradespeople and shocking workmanship. I kept thinking 'there must be lots of other decorators who, like me, cared about the work they turned out and had a genuine interest in the job'."

"Select came along and promised to fit the bill. I have been proved right over the years - I truly believe that many of the best, most conscientious decorators in the UK are part of Select."

So, what does Des' role as a Panel Member involve? "Firstly, my role is to represent Select members and put their views forward. However, the thing I enjoy most is the communication with the other members, especially the younger members. The topics that come up are so diverse, from how to price off plans as to whether or not they should stay with the wife! You would not believe some requests and whilst I'm not a qualified marriage counsellor I'll always try and steer them in the right direction!"

Des himself has been married to Irena for 30 years, and he has three sons; Luke a photographer in Norwich; Jake a footballer with Braintree FC; and Harrison who works in social media in London.



"Let's keep Select at the front of the trade"


Having joined the Panel in 2013, Des strongly believes that Panel Meetings can genuinely improve the Select Decorator scheme.

He says: "Although I am relatively new to the Panel, I believe after the last meeting that we are finally being listened to. Vickie has been a breath of fresh air and has already delivered on most of her commitments. This has not always been the case in the past, so I would urge all of us to support her in any way we can let's keep Select at the front of the trade."

Fetching the data, plz wait..