Seven Summits




Chris Foster - member and Fellow of the scheme, thrill seeker and driven achiever. One mountain is not enough for Chris as he sets his sights on the highest mountain in each continent, all for a worthy cause.


Already a skilled climber with over 25 years' experience, it was time to lay down the ultimate challenge. Through a gruelling training regime consisting of running, walking, gym work and with the help of a professional sports and condition coach, Chris readied himself for the first leg - Mount Elbrus in Russia.

The highest mountain in Europe, peaking at 5642m, if the height isn't enough to put you off then maybe battling the extreme elements are; "I had an interesting time completing the first of my Seven Summits. Summit night was a success albeit extremely cold, with temperatures in the range of -30 degrees" said Chris.

Next on the agenda is Aconcagua located in Argentina on the border of Chile and ranging to 6926m, the mountain is the second highest of the summits. Chris mentioned that "Aconcagua is notorious for Viento Blanco 'White Wind', which can last for days or weeks at a time". Our advice (probably useless) would be to check the local weather report before leaving!

Chris is dedicating his efforts to the Rainbows Hospice. The charity supports children and young people who are affected by life limiting and life threatening conditions. "It goes without saying that I will get to experience the beauty of the mountains first hand, and it seems only fair that whilst this takes place I use the opportunity to raise money for those who are not so fortunate" said Chris.

With six peaks still to conquer, get behind and sponsor your fellow member by visiting Good luck Chris!

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