Mythbuster: Should You Store Paint Cans Upside Down?

Mythbuster: Should You Store Paint Cans Upside Down?


From the strange to the downright silly, we've all encountered those myths in the trade that are supposed to make our day-to-day life easier, but in practice often lead to mishaps. And this myth is a prime example:


Storing an already opened, partly used tin of paint upside down helps keep the tin sealed and the paint fresh for longer.


Not the case! In fact, keeping previously opened paint tins the wrong way up could lead to a serious spillage; if the lid gets stuck to the surface of the table or floor, it might come off when you try and pick it up, leaving a big old mess. Nobody wants to be clearing up several litres of emulsion...

Instead, just make sure the paint lid is properly pushed down into place to create an airtight seal. Wiping any wet paint from the inside rim of the lid and the top of the can with a damp cloth will help to ensure a good seal and reduce the likelihood of the lid sticking on. You could even put a layer of cling film over the top of the tin opening before you put the lid back on to help prevent the paint drying out.

If you only have a small amount of paint left, transferring it to a smaller, sealable container will also help keep the paint in good condition until the next time you need it.

Got a myth that needs busting? Tell us all about it on our Twitter and Facebook channels, and we might be able to solve it for you and settle an argument once and for all.

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