Holmer Green Junior School

Holmer Green Junior School Makeover


Holmer Green Junior School secured a free Dulux makeover after hosting the launch of Dulux's 'Design Principles'. Students at the school asked for their music studio to be transformed into an environment that will help them to learn and practice music.


Their design concept focused on creating a studio that inspired musical creations- with a painted musical keyboard and musical notes decorated around the room.




The transformed studio has had a positive impact on the school's students. The choir has grown from a few children to 45 children in the space of just a couple of years.


    Miss Rebecca Campbell, Headteacher, Holmer Green Junior School.


"We are delighted with our newly refurbished music studio at Holmer Green Junior School. The amazing transformation from a dull and lifeless space to a vibrant and stimulating area really is quite amazing. Pupils are now inspired to take up an instrument or to be a part of the school choir. Giving every child the opportunity to perform is a lifelong gift that not only instils confidence but also makes learning fun.

"We are extremely grateful to the Dulux team who worked so closely with pupils and staff, giving ideas and guidance on how to transform the music rooms. The donation of time and materials to produce an outstanding result really is evident as soon as you walk in the room."

To see Rebecca Campbell, Headteacher, and Claire Hardy, former Deputy Head discuss the benefit of the new music room, click here

Oliver, Year 4, Holmer Green Junior School, describes the music room's transformation as the "perfect improvement!" See what else he thinks here

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