Get to know the Select team


Name: Susann Rudkin-Smith

What is your role within the Dulux Select Decorators team?

Office Manager - I am responsible for the day to day operation of the membership office and I am in daily communication with members. No two days are alike and the range of duties are reflected by the variety of enquiries, problem-solving and requests I and the team receive each day.

What did you do before joining AkzoNobel?

Team management in various sectors.

Where do you live?

In a North Nottinghamshire village with a 1000 years of history.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Socialising with friends & family, cooking, gardening, homemaking, films, concerts, selling Peruvian jewellery and my husband's wooden pet beds at craft fairs, helping my sister with her equestrian activities.

What was your favourite holiday?

The Algarve with the requisite sun, sea and sand or Pembrokeshire with sun, sea and sand.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?

A fully equipped camper van, solar powered radio and my husband.

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