Dulux Trade launches unique Colour Schemer Tool

Dulux Trade launches unique Colour Schemer Tool

Dulux Trade has introduced a new tool set to inspire building owners and managers with colour and assist in the specification process. The Colour Schemer is easy to use and provides professionals with unprecedented access to an extensive range of colour schemes, tailored to meet the needs of a variety of market sectors.


In just three simple steps, users of the Colour Schemer can select the relevant sector and desirable outcome, choose colour schemes and create specific designs that most suit the brief. A professionally designed moodboard to showcase the scheme is then available to download allowing designs to be shared and presented easily to colleagues and/or building users.

A key feature of the new tool is the ability to coordinate design specifications with the core colours of a project. By choosing a core colour, users can be assured that their chosen schemes will coordinate and complement existing fabrics, flooring or furniture.


Paul Fleming, Commercial Colour Services Manager at Dulux Trade explained: "We wanted to create a practical but also an inspirational tool for building owners and managers which would help to simplify the design process without compromising on specific sector needs or beautiful aesthetics.

"The tool allows users to create professionally produced and aesthetically pleasing colour schemes that are then displayed in a professional format, ideal for sharing internally and engaging building users. Once registered with the Colour Schemer, users are able to save all previous projects and designs, which can then be accessed and edited at any time."

Register for the Dulux Trade Colour Schemer here.

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