Interior and Exterior FAQs
What is the best water-based product to use in a kitchen or bathroom?
Dulux Trade Diamond Eggshell is ideal for both. It is a tough, durable mid-sheen finish that will withstand repeated washing. If ventilation is poor and a mould resistant paint is needed use Dulux Trade Mouldshield Quick Drying Eggshell.
Can you safely paint over grey (denaturated) wood?
- No. Failing to completely remove wood that has been exposed to weather and sunlight is a common cause of paint failure. Use a sander or scraper to remove the top surface layer of the grey wood, making sure that the surface is cleaned back to new sound wood. Prime all bare wood with Dulux Primer or Basecoat before re-painting.
How can I deal with mould on an external wall?
- Firstly, repair any leaks and check for defective damp proofing. Treat affected areas with Dulux Trade Weathershield Multi-Surface Fungicidal Wash. Leave for 24 hours, wash down to remove residues and allow to dry thoroughly - some stubborn growths may need a second treatment. Any dark patches growing through a paint system may well have become trapped during previous work.
I need to apply a two-pack epoxy in an outbuilding. Any advice?
It is important to remember that water based epoxy coatings will take longer to "hard cure" than solvent based epoxies. Particular care must be taken during winter months when temperature fluctuations will affect the minimum overcoat time. A drop in temperature from 20 Centigrade to 10 Centigrade will result in overcoating being delayed from 16 hours to 72 hours. Optimum chemical and abrasion resistance will not be achieved until the final finishing coat is allowed to dry for a minimum of seven days. Optimum intercoat adhesion properties will only be achieved if subsequent coats are applied within seven days. Refer to product data sheets for more information.
Why can't I use a water-based paint outside in winter?
- In specifying the conditions under which coatings are to be applied, a general recommendation is that application should not start or should stop if the ambient temperature is below 10°C (7°C for Weathershield Maximum Exposure Masonry Paint) or r.h. exceeds 80%. In addition to the ambient temperature, a critical factor might be that of the surface to which the coating is applied. The temperature of heavy metal sections or plates, as well as plaster, rendering and masonry, for example, can be several degrees lower than the ambient temperature, especially early in the day.
When re-decorating my external window frames just before Christmas, I found the undercoat took an unusually long time to dry. Why?
- We don't advise carrying out external work at that time of year as drying times will be significantly longer in cold or damp conditions. Dulux Trade Weathershield Exterior Flexible Undercoat is recoatable within two to four hours and what's more it contains patented ICI technology allowing the paint to move with the wood to resist cracking or flaking of subsequent topcoat. Use with Weathershield Exterior High Gloss to offer up to 8 years protection.
What paint can be used on external render in winter?
- Use Dulux Weathershield All Seasons Masonry Paint as long as it is not raining and the surface is not damp and the ambient temperature is not below 5°C. All Seasons Masonry Paint is shower resistant within 15 minutes with a temperature above 10°C.
I have rust stains bleeding through an outside painted wall and I want to paint it. What should I do?
Make sure the surface is clean and dry, prime the rust stained areas with Dulux Trade Metal Primer and allow to dry. Then apply two full coats of Dulux Trade Weathershield All Seasons Masonry Paint.